There is a lot happening in the world of regulatory compliance in the Ontario trucking industry. While many of those changes continue, new ones are always emerging, so use this opportunity to stay on top of the current and future issues with OTA and MTO staff. Join OTA on May 20 at OTA’s offices from 10am to 3pm for an exclusive opportunity to explore the details of vehicle weights and dimensions, MTO’s carrier monitoring and enforcement programs, key aspects of MTO’s new annual inspection program and what the future holds for ELD’s in Ontario.
10 am – 11 am: Current and Future Weights and Dimensions in Ontario: Understanding Ontario’s push to complete its reforms of vehicles weights and dimensions is complex, however there are some key messages carriers need to be aware of in the coming months to assist their operations. In addition, updates will be provided on next steps for GHG-reducing technologies in the Ontario context.
11:00 am – 11:15 am Break
11:15 – 12:15: MTO’s Roadside Enforcement, CVOR and Facility Audit Programs: The workings of all three programs are key for carriers to stay on top of to understand what is expected of them from MTO. MTO staff will walk through the details of each program to provide carriers insight on their operations and steps that can be taken to further develop their safety and compliance programs.
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm LUNCH (provided)
1:15 – 2:15 pm: Changes to MTO’s Annual and Trip Inspection Programs: With any change, there is a host of information of importance for carriers to understand. This discussion will focus on all of the options available to carriers to come into compliance with MTO’s new requirements, while dispelling myths about what is not required.
2:15 – 2:45 pm: Current and Future ELD issues in the Ontario Context: As we move closer to a rulemaking in the United States a number of issues will need to be dealt with in the Ontario context. OTA staff will address current and future issues related to ELD’s and next steps for carriers in Ontario.
2:45 pm – 3 pm: Q & A with all speakers. Open forum.