Update: CTA and Provincial Association Report on Border Blockades and Protests  


Below is another update provided by each provincial association, including any potential impacts to critical infrastructure, border operations, or other important considerations that fleets may need to be aware of currently:

British Columbia Trucking Association (BCTA):

After a brief closure at the Pacific Highway crossing yesterday, all border crossings in BC are open for commercial operations today. Crossings other than Pacific Highway were (and remain) largely, if not completely unaffected.

The RCMP have placed concrete barriers and are manning checkpoints to access the Pacific Highway crossing. Few protestors (less than 10) remain this morning at an isolated site off the highway.

B.C. Update 10:30am PST:

Once again, the situation is very fluid. This information is the best available from staff on the ground as of this moment. We are still dealing with the fallout of arrests and enforcement steps taken.

There is a small group of protestors in place along the approach in both NB and SB lanes. Barriers are in place to prevent more from joining, but foot traffic is being allowed.

Commercial drivers are being redirected to crossings Highway 13 and 11 where lanes are open 24/7.

We expect this situation to change several times in the coming days.

Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)

The Coutts/Sweetgrass border crossing remains closed for traffic. CTA remains in regular contact with AMTA on this issue.

Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA): 

STA reports that they are not experiencing any issues currently.

Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA): 

MTA is not reporting any changes to the current situation at the Emerson/Pembina border crossing.

Ontario Trucking Association (OTA): 

Ambassador Bridge:

As reported by OTA last night, the Ambassador bridge is now fully operational for commercial traffic. Today, bridge officials provided the following instructions for carriers currently trying to get on or off the bridge from the US and Canada:

The Ambassador Bridge in Canada for outbound to the US can only be accessed from:

  • Huron Church Northbound lanes from the Herb Gray Parkway/401;
  • Wyandotte Street either Westbound or Eastbound.

From the Ambassador Bridge in the United States inbound into Canada:

  • Huron Church Southbound lanes are open to the Herb Gray Parkway/401;
  • There are no access routes east and west in the City of Windsor from the Ambassador Bridge to the E.C. Expressway.

All lighted intersections from the Ambassador Bridge to the E.C. Row Expressway are flashing red.

Blue Water Bridge (BWB):

BWB officials have indicated that traffic continues to flow smoothly in both directions. Wait times have also stabilized since extensive delays seen last week. The 402 detour previously reported by OTA remains in place and is not impacting the flow of trucks and bridge access.

Peace Bridge:

OTA reported earlier today that the QEW leading to the Peace Bridge was now open, and the bridge was fully operational for cross-border traffic. Traffic in both directions continues to flow well, with minimal delays being seen.

Queenston-Lewiston Bridge (QLB):

Due to trucks being diverted from the Peace Bridge yesterday and earlier this morning, some delays for U.S. bound traffic are being seen at QLB. Canada bound traffic continues to move well.

Members are encouraged to monitor the Ontario 511 website for the latest traffic information on Ontario roads as these situations continue to evolve rapidly.

Quebec Trucking Association (QTA): 

QTA continues to monitor the situation with QPP and enforcement officials, including social media reports circulating this week. They will update members when more information becomes available.

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association (APTA): 

APTA is not aware of any issues occurring over the next few days.

CBSA Border Alerts Bulletin

Below is additional information provided by the CBSA regarding disruptions and the ability to use Border Alerts to access the latest information impacting Canadian ports of entry:

CBSA Commercial Systems and processes continue to function normally in all modes. CBSA is highly cognizant of the challenges that border disruptions present to trade chain participants in any mode, and we are working with government partners to minimize the border impacts.     

The CBSA provides up to date operational information through multiple channels. Please see the details below: 

Border Alerts are email based notifications issued when access to CBSA Port of Entry services at our major Ports of Entry are disrupted. Access to the Border Alert service is described below. Unfortunately, at present the service is only active for current subscribers. We do not have an estimate of if or when the service may again be available for new subscribers. 


Commercial border wait times are updated by the POEs regularly and can be accessed here: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/bwt-taf/menu-eng.html 

The CBSA maintains a national Twitter feed, as do most regions.  While not focussed exclusively on operational or commercial information, you may wish to follow these feeds as another source of information about the CBSA. The national and regional twitter handles are listed below. 

National: @CanBorder 

Prairie: @CanBorderPRA 

Atlantic: @CanBorderATL 

Southern Ontario: @CanBorderSOR 

Pacific: @CanBorderPAC 

Greater Toronto Area: @CanBorderGTA 

Quebec: @CanBorderQUE 

CTA and its provincial association members will continue to provide relevant updates as the week progresses. Members are encouraged to reach out to their local provincial association for more information on these ongoing developments.

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