Peel Region Launches Off-Peak Delivery Pilot


The Region of Peel will begin its first Off-Peak Delivery (OPD) pilot project starting in July through December, in participation with LCBO, Loblaw Companies Limited, PepsiCo, Walmart Canada Corp, and Weston Foods. Deloitte Canada will be acting as advisors on the project while the University of Toronto, McMaster University and York University will contribute their expertise through the Smart Freight Centre, an initiative led by the Region.

Traffic congestion affects communities and businesses across Ontario, especially within the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The objective of the OPD pilot project is to help optimize highways and major road networks both within Peel and within the GTHA, focusing on where freight is moving, how to best use the available capacities of existing transportation infrastructure, and where we can benefit from new investment in transportation infrastructure.

“The Region is looking forward to working with these business champions to implement the OPD pilot,” said Gary Kocialek, Region of Peel Director of Transportation. “Peel Region’s goods movement industry contributes $48.8 billion worth of GDP to the regional, provincial and national economy and recognizes the importance of helping to alleviate congestion within the broader regional transportation system. The off-peak delivery pilot will help understand how using our existing infrastructure more efficiently can reduce congestion, improve business operations, while supporting the quality of life within our communities.”

Metrolinx will provide a financial contribution to support the research and innovation component of this initiative, which aligns with the Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan.

The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) will also provide project funding, supporting the agency’s mandate to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution in the GTHA.

“Transportation is the second largest source of carbon emissions in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and unfortunately they keep rising” says TAF CEO Julia Langer. “By shifting deliveries to off-peak hours, the Peel pilot will pave the way to reduce truck-related emissions as well as congestion and travel times for commuters.”

To learn more about the Region of Peel Goods Movement program, visit

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