CTA Welcomes Conclusion of Gordie Howe Procurement Process


Today’s announcement naming Bridging North America team as the Preferred Proponent to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the long-awaited Gordie Howe International Bridge Project was welcomed by the Canadian trucking industry as a key step toward the realization of this critical piece of modern infrastructure.

“With over 2.6 million trucks a year crossing between Windsor and Detroit, carrying $1.6 million in trade per minute, today’s announcement is critical to the future success of the Canadian trucking industry as well as to the economies of both Canada and the United States,” said CTA president Stephen Laskowski.

CTA was also encouraged to learn the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority will begin construction of the cable-stayed, 853-metre bridge this year.

“The Gordie Howe Bridge will be built to accommodate future trade growth by including six lanes of traffic and accommodate modern security and supply chain needs that will ensure legitimate trade is processed in the most efficient manner while removing trade impediments between our two great nations,” said CTA’s Lak Shoan, director, Policy and Industry Awareness Programs.

CTA recognizes the great effort to date by the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority to get to this stage of the project. The Alliance looks forward to working with Bridging North America and the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority to create the most important infrastructure investment in recent memory.

CTA also applauded the Government of Canada for its leadership.

“During these current trade tensions, let’s not lose sight of the fact that without the Government of Canada assuming all financial responsibility for the construction of this bridge, we may not have had today’s announcement,” said Laskowski. “Ottawa’s leadership is benefiting citizens and businesses on both sides of the border, especially those who reside in the 30 US states whose largest trading partner is Canada. The Gordie Howe Bridge is a symbol of the strength of the Canada-US relationship.”

Bridging North America is composed of multiple firms from fields such as construction, engineering, architecture, finance, law, and bridge operations.

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