Established in 1996, the Ministry of Transportation Road Safety Achievement Awards aims to recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals, groups and organizations who work to improve the safety of Ontario’s roads.
As part of the 2022 recipients, Geoff Wood, OTA’s senior VP, Policy was awarded Rob Fleming Divisional Partnership Award in Road Safety. Nominations for the award, named after the former Assistant Deputy Minister, come internally from MTO staff to recognize someone from industry who has helped achieve the goals of the transportation safety division and community partners.
“There is no one more deserving than Geoff for this award,” said OTA’s President and CEO Stephen Laskowski. “Geoff’s passion for trucking is only matched by his passion to raising the standards of fleet and driver safety in the Province of Ontario. His efforts and leadership on countless files over the last two decades have made a massive positive impact on the Ontario trucking industry.”
Geoff has worked for the Ontario Trucking Association and the Canadian Trucking Alliance for over 20 years.
“Rob Fleming was a great partner of OTA and the trucking industry during his time with the Ministry. It’s an honour to receive this award and to be able to continue our partnership with the dedicated members of the Ministry of Transportation, which makes the trucking industry a better place for drivers and fleets,” said Wood.