MTO Clarifies DriveON Educational Enforcement for month of August


In a notice to industry received last night, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has clarified how it will handle educational enforcement of the DriveON program over the course of August as Vehicle Inspection Centres (VICs) and technicians transition to the new program.

The update provided by MTO contains detailed information on the transition as well as a series of frequently asked questions to help guide VICs through the process.   OTA members are strongly encouraged to review the update from MTO by clicking here.

“When fully implemented MTO’s DriveON program will revolutionize road safety, air quality and oversight in the trucking industry in a first of its kind program in North America.   MTO’s approach to educational enforcement over the course of August is the appropriate step to take and will enable a smooth transition to the new program and allow its full benefits to be realized by industry and government” said OTA’s senior VP, Policy, Geoff Wood

OTA’s Ad-Hoc DriveON committee will continue to meet virtually every Tuesday at 2 pm eastern time to discuss the transition.   All OTA members are welcome.  If you have not already registered, please click here to join the group.

OTA will continue to keep the membership informed as the DriveON program continues to rollout. 

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