On November 6, 2019 grade nine students across Canada will spend the day in a parent, friend or volunteer’s workplace learning about a possible career path. Take Our Kids to Work day is a national program highlighting a range of careers to help students connect school, work, and their future plans. Trucking HR Canada has joined up with The Learning Partnership, a national organization dedicated to promoting and advancing publicly funded education, to champion this event – and we’re asking you to take part.
“National Take Our Kids to Work Day provides a great opportunity for employers to connect with their employees’ children while showcasing their workplace,” says Angela Splinter, CEO, Trucking HR Canada, “At a time when we need to be doing a better job at highlighting our positives, we encourage employers to participate.”
Recent Labour Market Information shows that only 9.5% of truck drivers in Canada are younger than 30 years old, compared to 23.8% of the entire Canadian labour force. Competition to recruit young people is high in all industries, but according to recent Trucking HR Canada’s research, only 50 per cent of trucking industry employers have formal plans to recruit millennials, let alone Gen Z’s. Employer participation in the program provides an excellent opportunity to showcase this industry as a great place to work.