T4C Helps Charities Save Over $150k in Transport Costs


In 2024, the Trucks for Change Network saved charities more than $150,000 in transportation –money they used to fund charitable programs and provide food, said Betsy Sharples, Executive Director, Trucks for Change Network.

“This savings to their bottom line meant more disadvantaged Canadian families received the support they need,” she said. “As we look back on our achievements this past year, we’re grateful for the many contributions made toward our shared mission to deliver for communities across Canada,” says Sharples.

The achievement was highlighted in T4C’s Driving Change, Delivering Hope 2024 Impact The report shares the milestones, achievements and stories that reflect T4C’s transformative work. 

The report, uploaded and hosted by Trucking HR Canada, can be viewed here.

“Our network moved a wide variety of goods for Canadian charities, from wheelchairs, books, toys, and clothing, to emergency supplies and building materials – but mostly food this year- reflecting the state of food insecurity in our country at this time.”

“Thank you to our network for the trust you put in the Trucks for Change organization. We look forward to 2025, another year of keeping the wheels turning with our transportation partners, sponsors and charity collaborators at our side.”

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