Study of Truck Rest Areas in Southern Ontario


The Ontario Ministry of Transportation, in support with the Ontario Trucking Association, has launched a study of Truck Rest Areas in Southern Ontario.

The study, to be conducted by SPR Associates, will estimate specific needs for truck rest areas and parking and additional truck parking in Southern Ontario; estimate economic and other benefits of providing more parking for the transportation industry; and recommend ways of improving the availability and quality of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) parking along Ontario highways.

Individual transportation companies are being asked to participate and will be recognized in the final study report. Please note that all information you provide will remain completely confidential.

The study is being implemented in collaboration with transportation industry associations (The Ontario Trucking Association, Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, Owner-Operator’s Business Association of Canada, Fleet Safety Council of Ontario, Trucking HR Canada, and others have provided advice on the study plan).

Key study activities include:

Consultation meetings with transportation industry stakeholders. These meetings will be held in October, in London, Toronto and Ottawa. The Toronto Session will be held at OTA’s Offices on October 17 1 pm to 4 pm. Space is limited and registration is required. Click here to register.

A survey of professional truck drivers. This survey will assess, in detail, the availability of CMV parking on Ontario highways and ways which this can be improved.

Supplementary research will assess the quality of rest area services and examine potential economic benefits of improving CMV parking areas — impacts on trucking system factors which affect profits, and impacts on lost hours for professional truck drivers and earnings per hour worked. Health & safety issues will also be examined, as will impacts on collisions — to be examined in a detailed analysis of Ministry highway traffic data.

To find out more about the consultations or other aspects of the study, please click here.

OTA members who cannot attend the meeting but would like to submit comments can do so by emailing operations&safety@

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