Spring Thaw – Reduced Load Limits – Updates


  •  Reduced Load Limit designation and the Schedules for 2020. The designation has been signed under the authority delegated by the Minister of Transportation, in accordance with Section 122(5) of the Highway Traffic Act. As in the past, the actual date of reduced load limit enforcement will depend on weather conditions. The Head, Operational Services will determine the date(s) of reduced load limit enforcement and provide public notification of the date on which the reduced load limit enforcement begins and ends, for each Region: Notification of Reduced Load Restrictions for 2020_public
  • Memo and Designation of TERMINATION of the Freeze-Up Period for Area 1. As of Monday March 16, 2020 at 12:01 a.m for Area 1 is comprised of Zones 1A and 1B a. Attached map: RD NWR, Raw Forest Products Allowance TERMINATED Area 1, Zone 1A 2020_public. For more information about Ontario’s 2020 Raw Forest Product Allowances, please visit Ontario.ca/511 – Truck and Bus Info. https://511on.ca/
  •  Declaration for the Termination of the Raw Forest Products Allowance.  The declaration designates Wednesday March 11, 2020, at 11:59 pm as the termination of the freeze-up period for the Raw Forest Products Allowance in Area 3. See here for more: Area 3 – Termination of Freeze Up Period_public
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