Seat Belt Use by Commercial Drivers Hits All-Time High


Seat belt use by truck and bus drivers has risen to 86 percent, compared to 65 percent in 2007, according to FMCSA survey.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says that safety belt usage by commercial truck and bus drivers rose to a new record level of 86% in 2016, compared to just 65% usage in 2007, according to the results of a national survey.

Since 2007, FMCSA, in collaboration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has conducted the Safety Belt Usage by Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Survey six times. In each survey, safety belt usage by commercial drivers has been shown to be steadily increasing.

The 2016 survey observed nearly 40,000 commercial drivers operating medium- to heavy-duty trucks and buses at more than 1,000 roadside sites nationwide.  The survey found that safety belt usage for commercial drivers and their occupants was highest by trucks and buses traveling on expressways at 89%, compared to 83% on surface streets.  Male truck and bus drivers outpaced their female counterparts by buckling-up at a rate of 86% to 84%, respectively.


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