REMINDER: OTA-CCOHS Provide Free Workplace Health & Safety e-learning Courses to OTA Carriers


The Ontario trucking industry has worked diligently over the last two decades to improve its on-road vehicle safety performance and help make the Province’s roads among the safest in North America.

Now, thanks to a partnership with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), the Association is looking forward to also making Ontario’s trucking workplaces the safest.

Through a special agreement between the two organizations, each OTA carrier member can take two special complimentary CCOHS e-learning courses in 2017. Beyond the complimentary seats, OTA members can also access the extensive e-course library at the maximum discounted rate.

“CCOHS has a comprehensive e-library on health and safety issues that can assist our membership in understanding compliance measures as well as help all of our carriers improve their health and safety performance,” said Stephen Laskowski, President, OTA. “We are very happy we have found such a willing and able partner in CCOHS to be able to provide such a great deal for our members.”

CCOHS also has staff on hand that are trained to answer questions for carriers related to federal regulations and health and safety compliance.

“This is a partnership built on the mutual goal of preventing injuries and illnesses for workers in the trucking industry,” says CCOHS President Gareth Jones. “We are confident that through this enhanced access to CCOHS training materials, we can create productive, meaningful change to achieve that goal.”

If you are an OTA carrier member and wish to register for the OTA-sponsored complimentary CCOHS e-learning programs, please click here.  To take advantage of this offer, you will need your OTA membership ID number.

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