Positive IRP Changes to Reduce Admin Burden and Costs for Carriers


IRP recently communicated with the Canadian Trucking Alliance that positive changes are on the way for the IRP Program starting January 1, 2015, when the new IRP Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP) goes into effect across North America.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance, through each provincial association, worked with government to bring forth the change, which impacts the distance reporting and registration authority for all inter-jurisdictional motor carriers registered under IRP, including new and expanded operations. Cab cards for both first-time registrants and renewing carriers will display all jurisdictions and the vehicle’s appropriate registration weight.

The FRP will reduce the number of permits carriers have needed to buy and fees they have paid for added states. IRP registrants renewing for an effective date of January 1, 2015 and beyond will be registered under FRP as will any new registrants registering for the first time on January 1, 2015 or after. For example, a carrier whose current registrations expire on March 31, 2015, they will renew under FRP effective April 1, 2015. Full details on renewal processes for Ontario carriers in the IRP program will be forthcoming from MTO in mid to late September.

First-time registrants will pay fees based on the base jurisdiction’s average per vehicle distance chart. Renewing carriers will pay fees based solely on their actual operations during the distance reporting period.

This change will eliminate the requirement for existing carriers to pay fees over 100% when adding jurisdictions during the registration period or expanding their operations into jurisdictions where they had no actual operations during the distance reporting period.

In the coming weeks OTA will be providing more detailed information to the membership as it is received from MTO, including training and out-reach resources.

On related matters, OTA continues to work with all levels at MTO to establish realistic service standard targets for licence plate and IRP transactions.

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