(June 12, 2015) – With only a few weeks to go before the Pan Am Games officially begin, questions are still coming in from all segments of the industry regarding the impact the Games may have on freight delivery. OTA has been working with Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Pan Am officials to deal with these questions; but it is clear that many participants in the movement of freight still have outstanding issues they would like addressed. As a result, senior Pan Am and MTO officials will be at OTA (555 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON M9W 1H8) on Friday June 26 at 10 a.m. to explain what has been prepared for the freight sector and to listen and attempt to address any other outstanding questions or needs carriers have.
With the Pan Am Games just around the corner, this will likely be the last meaningful opportunity for all members of the industry to have questions answered by senior representatives involved in the Games.
All OTA members and non-members are welcome to attend. All you have to do is register. This portion of the meeting will last from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and lunch will be served afterwards complimentary of OTA.
To register, please send you name, title, company and contact information to OTA’s Lak Shoan at lak.shoan@ontruck.org
— OTA is also still collecting industry input for our Pan Am Survey (interim results available here).