OTA and DriverCkeck to Host Event on US Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Requirements


OTA is hosting an upcoming event in association with DriverCheck for OTA members. The primary focus of the event will be on the new US Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse and what carriers need to know to comply with the new rules. In addition, the event will also include a session reflecting on the first year of legalization and will discuss some of the lessons learned. If you have questions about the new requirements under the US Clearinghouse, or more general questions regarding your policies/ testing procedures, this event is an excellent opportunity to engage with experts in this field. Registration details are below.

Date: Thursday October 24, 2019.
Location: 555 Dixon Road, Toronto ON (OTA Offices)
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm


  • 10:00-11:00 DriverCheck – Dr. Jonathan Davids (update – 1 year after legalization)
  • 11:00-12:00 DriverCheck – Branden Kearse (US Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse 101)
  • 12:00-1:00 Lunch and Networking (Lunch provided by OTA)

This is a free event for OTA members. All you need to do is register here – https://ota-drivercheck-event.questionpro.com

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