OTA addresses TDG Concerns with Eastern Ontario Mayors Caucus (EOMC)


A meeting yesterday between the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), Eastern Ontario mayors and supply chain and transportation stakeholders addressed several safety issues involving the transportation of dangerous goods along the highway 401 corridor.

Earlier in 2017, collisions involving commercial motor vehicles carrying dangerous goods on the 401 in eastern caused some local mayors to question certain aspects of moving these goods by truck during extreme winter conditions.

“Today was an opportunity for the EOMC to learn more about the commitment to safety excellence by all members of the supply chain linked to the movement of dangerous goods by truck,” said OTA senior vice president Geoff Wood.

OTA discussed with attendees information that highlighted the training and handling requirements that all members of the supply chain must adhere to. It is this heightened level of attention toward to safety that has resulted in very few truck related incidents involving dangerous goods:

Wood explained how commercial trucks represent less than 3 percent of all vehicle collisions.  Of all commercial vehicle collisions, trucks carrying dangerous goods accounted for 0.015 percent of the total.

“The trucking industry is proud of its record as it relates to the safety performance of moving dangerous goods by truck. The OTA and its members will continue to maintain this commitment to public safety to ensure our level of excellence continues.”

To view OTA’s infographic on Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Truck, click here: TDG Infographic_public

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