The City of Toronto announced the opening of the new, York-Bay-Yonge off ramp this past weekend.
The new ramp will feature three lanes to Lower Simcoe Street; with a right-turn to go southbound on Lower Simcoe Street and a Fixed Automated Anti-icing Spray Technology (FAST) that relies on a Road Weather Information system and built-in sensors to determine surface conditions on the ramp and spray anti-icing fluid on the road surface before frost and black ice form
The new Harbour Street will also feature a dedicated left turn at York Street to travel north; and an added lane on York Street to turn east on Harbour Street; a sidewalk on the east side of York Street, between Queens Quay and Harbour Street; and a bike box for cyclists on the south-east side of Bay Street.
Work is scheduled to continue on Harbour Street through the spring to complete the installation of the curb on the north side, planting and final paving for the new multi-use trail and on Harbour Street itself.
Full details on the project can be downloaded here: Gardiner – New YBY Ramp – Stakeholder Meeting_public