Infrastructure Updates


Notice of Study Commencement Highway 401 Planning Study from Colborne to Brighton Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has retained WSP Canada Group Limited to undertake the Planning, Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study on Highway 401 for the replacement and rehabilitation of structures, establishing the future Highway 401 footprint and future transportation needs.

Two Public Information Centres will be held throughout the planning process to allow everyone the opportunity to review and comment on any project details. Please provide any information about this study by August 29, 2020 in a letter to the undersigned contact or visit the project website at


Brent Gotts, P.Eng.

Consultant Project Manager

WSP Canada Group Limited

610 Chartwell Road, Suite 300

Oakville, ON L6J 4A9

Tel: 1-877-562-7947




Notice of Study Commencement Structural Culvert Improvements at Highway 403 and Eglington Avenue in the City of Mississauga, Region of Peel Class Environmental Assessment and Design Detail

 AECOM was retained by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to undertake a Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for the improvements of one structural culvert at Highway 403 and Eglington Avenue.

The study will include a review structural improvement requirement, contract sequencing and construction staging alternatives. The construction staging alternatives will be reviewed based on technical and environmental factors. Currently, construction is anticipated to commence in the Spring of 2021, pending receipt of all necessary permits and approvals.

There is an opportunity at this time during the Study to provide input to the Project Team including any comments and information regarding the project.


Michael Weldon

Project Manager

Tel: 905-418-1482


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