Infrastructure Updates


Replacement of Six Structures on Highway 592- Little East River Bridges, Ragged Creek Bridge, and CNR Overhead Bridge

Morrison Hershfield Limited has been retained by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to conduct updates to two separate Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Studies for the replacement of six bridges along Highway 592. These bridges include Little East River Bridges #1 through #4, the Ragged Creek Bridge and the Canadian National Railway (CNR) Overhead Bridge. These bridges are located within the Township of Perry, District of Perry Sound. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an update on these projects, including the timing of construction.

The MTO will now be proceeding with the construction which is anticipated to commence in 2021. A review of the designs prepared previously is being undertaken to ensure conformance with current standards and guidelines.

Should you require further information, or you would like to provide comments, feel free to contact:

Ms. Judith Baldasaro

Project Manager, Planning and Design

Ministry of Transportation, Northeastern Region

447 McKeown Avenue

North Bay, ON P1B 9S9

Telephone: 705-497-6936

Highway 417 at March Rd Interchange Improvements, City of Ottawa Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study, GWP 4004-19-00

The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) has retained Dillon Consulting Limited to complete the Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment for improvements at Highway 417 and March Road interchange in Ottawa, Ontario. The project will include addition of traffic signals and new right turn lane from westbound Highway 417 to March Road, milling and resurfacing of outer interchange ramps, as well as the replacement of the culvert under the on-ramp from northbound March Road to Highway 417 east. It’s anticipated that short-term, temporary closures of the affected interchange ramps will be required during the construction process.

Please contact the MTO Project Manager with any comments or concerns you have regarding the project.

Kate Green, P.Eng., Project Manager

Ministry of Transportation, Ontario – Eastern Region

1355 John Counter Boulevard

Kingston, ON K7L 5A3

1-800-267-0295, ext. 4701

Highway 416 Northbound Ramp Terminal / Cedarview Road Intersection Improvements

The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) has retained Dillion Constructing Limited to complete a Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for improvements to Highway 416 northbound ramp terminal at Cedarview Road in Ottawa, Ontario.

If you have feedback on existing conditions in the study area and/or any questions or concerns, feel free to contact MTO’s Project Manager by January 23, 2020.

Matthew Burch, EIT

Project Manager

1355 John Counter Boulevard

Kingston, ON K7L 5A3

1-800-267-0295 ext. 4701

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