Groupe Robert of Boucherville, Que. has been named one of the 50 greenest fleets in North America by the American trade magazine, Heavy Duty Trucking
“We primarily focus on U.S. fleets, but their [Robert’s] work with natural gas has been so ahead of the curve we felt they deserved recognition. Other factors in our decision included their use of solar panels on the LNG fleet and the fact that the company’s new website unveiled earlier this year includes a greenhouse gas calculator for customers.”
Candidates for the award are gathered through an online nomination process as well as by using information gathered through press releases, news stories, websites, case studies and other publicly traded information. All types of trucks and fleets are eligible, as long as they run medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Fleet size ranges from fewer than 50 to over 5,000 vehicles.
Fleets that would like to be considered for next year’s list of 50, contact HDT editor Lockridge at