National Trucking Week is just around the corner, and carriers across Canada are busy preparing with various workplace events to give back to the 400,000 Canadian men and women who keep the country’s freight moving one way or another.
Provincial trucking associations, carriers, industry suppliers and other stakeholders are encouraged to undertake activities in their own province to mark the event. In previous years, provincial associations have marked the occasion with newspaper supplements, radio advertising, contests, special promotions, and special events at truck stops and roadside inspection stations.
Carriers and industry suppliers have hosted BBQs, breakfasts, truck washes, offered special giveaways to employees and marked the week event with a wide variety of activities.
Once again, Mark’s Work Wearhouse is offering a 10% discount voucher to OTA-CTA member carriers. Because of staffing changes at MWW, the retailer this year has made available a printable .pdf coupon rather than the hard copy cards carriers received in the past. OTA Member carriers can simply open the .pdf below (will require your OTA username and password) and print out as many vouchers they would like for drivers and employees.
These vouchers are one-time-use, per person only. (In other words, the user fills out his/her name and then leaves the voucher at the store) However, employers can print out multiple copies , so users can return to the store the next day and redeem a new voucher.
Download and print here:CTA-MWW voucher15