Developing a Curbside Management Strategy


Following an initial meeting with interested carriers in March regarding freight delivery issues in the City of Toronto, OTA started to work with City of Toronto officials to discuss how to move towards developing a freight delivery policy in the city for a number of the freight sectors.

At that time, OTA raised the possibility of independently conducting a curbside management study, which would attempt to balance the needs of different user groups (food, waste, couriers, movers, for-hire and private carriers, etc.…) in the development of a truly sustainable downtown goods movement and curbside plan.

Following the proposal of this study, city officials came to OTA’s office to outline City Hall’s thinking on this issue. At that time, it was decided that it was best for the City to take the lead in the development of the study, with input from stakeholders.

Since then, OTA has continued to work with the City in laying the groundwork for this study, which should begin to take shape over the next few months. Going forward, OTA will continue to engage City officials and will plug interested carriers into the process as work begins.

Commercial vehicle operators who do significant business in the downtown core should contact Jonathan.blackham@ in order to participate  in the project as it takes shape this Fall.

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