The deadline to nominate a Road Knight for the 2019-2020 term has been extended to Friday February 15, 2019; and because of interest from current driver trainers who were once truck drivers, the program has been expanded to include them as well.
OTA Road Knights are a group of Ontario professional truck drivers who serve as ambassadors throughout the trucking community. Travelling the province to speak to community groups, safety organizations, schools, car clubs, etc., the OTA Road Knights play a key role in enhancing public understanding of how to safely share the road with a truck, the professionalism of truck drivers, the critical role played by the industry and the numerous careers that the industry offers.
To learn more about what it means to be a Road Knight and why you should nominate one of your drivers, click here.
To nominate a worthy driver for this honour, just fill out our online nomination form. The selection process will be held in March 2019.
For more details about the program or the nomination process you can get in touch with Hina Brinkworth at 416.249.7401 ext. 234 or for more information.