CTA Lauds Sask for Seeking Trucking Training Dollars


The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is applauding the move by the Government of Saskatchewan to pursue federal training dollars for truck driver training. The Government of Saskatchewan wants Ottawa to include truck driver training as an eligible program as part of the federal government’s required legislative changes to enable the Canada Student Loans Program to pilot potential variations across the country.

“When it comes to training dollars, CTA wants to see its prospective students given the same level of financial support as other sectors, and applauds the leadership shown by the Government of Saskatchewan in seeking this equity from Ottawa,” said CTA president Stephen Laskowski. ‘Once the new cabinet is appointed, CTA will be working with Ottawa to support the Government of Saskatchewan’s vision that equal training funding treatment is made available for truck drivers across Canada.”

Trucking HR Canada’s (THRC) recent labour market data clearly shows a current need for 22,000 truck drivers across the country. As a result of the trucking industry facing a significant driver shortage, many Canadians are discovering the opportunities in the trucking sector and are seeking the same funding treatment as students and job seekers in other industries. Furthermore, Trucking HR Canada’s recent youth research shows there are about 1.1 million young Canadians that would consider a career as a long-haul truck driver, with one-third of respondents citing the cost of training as a key barrier to entry.

“The Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) members confirm THRC’s conclusion that attracting people to our sector is a challenge without funding for training,” said Susan Ewart, executive director, STA. “The Government of Saskatchewan has heard us and believes the occupation of truck driving deserves and needs this funding. We applaud this direction. STA is looking forward to working with province and CTA to make this vision happen.” 

CTA will be work with THRC to ensure potential federal funding criteria and the technical specifications drafted for a truck driver training pilot program are eligible for both private and public training institutions.

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