CTA Carriers Appeal to Shipper CEOs to Help Stamp Out Non-Compliant, Unsafe Operators


There’s an adage that says if it’s “too good to be true, it probably is”.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance is imploring the heads of the shippers and receivers of the supply chain to keep in mind the ‘cost of compliance’ when choosing transportation providers and ensure their freight carriers aren’t cheating on taxes, cutting corners on safety and polluting the environment.

“The cost of transportation services includes the cost of compliance. This includes labour, tax, safety and environmental costs. Remove these compliance costs from the price of transportation, and you have a lower transportation cost figure. This is not rocket science,” said CTA president Stephen Laskowski. 

CTA today unveiled The Cost Of Compliance, an awareness and social media campaign which prompts shippers and receivers to strongly consider what happens when transportation providers violate rules and disregard compliance.

Many shipping and receiving companies have mission statements committing their organization to the highest standard of environmental protection, workplace safety, and overall compliance.

“The prime mandate of this CTA campaign is to encourage CEOs of these organizations to pause and ensure their goods are moving by safe and compliant trucks and not by transportation companies whose business strategy is to lower costs by illegally circumventing compliance,” said Laskowski.  

CTA and industry carriers are encouraged to share information from the campaign with the leaders of their customer base to educate and bring about positive change in the supply chain. CTA is asking members and other carriers in the industry to contact the CEOs and presidents of shippers – specifically positions that are responsible for the viability and image of their corporation – so they can influence awareness and make responsible decisions in regard to compliance within the supply chain. 

The CTA campaign includes printable and digital education pamphlets as well as downloadable banner graphics and messages for sharing on social media.

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