Trucking Industry Volunteers

Trucking Industry Volunteers Work Together to Combat Child Hunger


Fifty-two volunteers from 13 trucking companies and sponsors affiliated with the Trucks for Change Network (T4C) came together last week to volunteer their time to assemble child-friendly food packs as part of Food Banks Canada’s annual After the Bell (ATB) food packing event.

The two-day packing event, held at the International Centre in Mississauga, takes place every May to assemble individual food packs so they are ready to be shipped to Canadian food banks in time for distribution to families over the summer. The packs are given to families with kids to fill the gap when school food programs pause during the summer.

“Trucks for Change is always pleased to participate in events, like this one, that benefit disadvantaged Canadians,” said Betsy Sharples, Executive Director, Trucks for Change Network. “We know the After the Bell program is crucial for many children and their families. It is an honour to have the participation of industry partners who bring staff and expertise to make the day fun as well as productive.”


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