Trucking HR Canada Launches Industry-Wide Labour Market Survey


Trucking HR Canada has launched an industry-wide labour market survey that will put the industry’s hiring, training, and retention issues in perspective.

Labour shortages remain a clear and present danger for trucking’s future and one of the top business concerns for fleet owners across the country. Unfortunately, the labour market data available on the industry is not telling the whole story.

In order to capture data that better reflects the realities of the industry, Trucking HR Canada, in partnership with The Conference Board of Canada, is consulting not only publicly available sources, including Statistics Canada’s census and labour force surveys, but also qualitative and quantitative data directly from employers to fill in the gaps that are lacking.

Trucking HR Canada is asking trucking and logistics employers, small and large, in all regions of the country to take 20 minutes to complete the survey and in doing so they will receive:

  • Early access to the results
  • The opportunity to secure a free pass to theWorkforce Knowledge Exchange on March 11, 2020, in Toronto – an exclusive event only open to those who responded to the survey (space limited).
  • The Workforce Knowledge Exchange will bring together HR professionals, economists, LMI experts, and more for a deep-dive into the research results and an informed discussion on the future of the industry.

“Trucking HR Canada’s labour market information project – which is the largest and most comprehensive labour market study ever conducted for the industry – will help us get a better handle on the industry’s labour challenges,” says Angela Splinter, CEO, Trucking HR Canada. “By participating in the short survey, you will help inform the development of relevant and practical solutions that can help us all in better addressing them.”

Click here for the survey:

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