Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19 outlined the first steps in the Government’s immediate response to the current crisis. It includes health care resources and provides immediate relief with support for people and jobs.
While the number one priority remains the health and well-being of all people, the government also needs to be prepared once the state of emergency is lifted to responsibly reopen the economy.
For the next phase of Ontario’s Action Plan, a recovery strategy with the same thoughtfulness as the crisis response is required to stimulate economic growth and job creation, while continuing to protect people.
The transportation sector will play a key part in getting our economy moving again, the province says. And is asking our sector to provide feedback in a survey on how the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted them, and ideas on how to stimulate economic growth and job creation, while continuing to protect people.
The survey will be released in two stages. Part I (below) is regarding impacts to our sector.
Participation in the survey and response is appreciated by Saturday, May 2 .
Next week, the government will release Part II of the survey, regarding potential future needs and opportunities.
And questions can be directed to ProvincialPlanningOffice@ontario.ca