Survey: Autonomous Vehicle Sales Could Reach 188,000 Units in 5 Years


Tractia, a global market research firm that focuses on human interactions with technology, found that worldwide revenue from sales of autonomous trucks and buses reached $84 million in 2017.

A recent survey found the market will continue to develop at a strong pace over the next few years with more competition within the industry, providing significant opportunities to various industry participants, and reaching global revenue of $35 billion by the end of 2022. During that period, Tractia forecasts that annual unit sales will increase from approximately 343 vehicles in 2017 to 188,000 units in 2022.

“The potential for autonomous trucks and buses is huge and market growth is accelerating, with news of successful pilot projects coming at an increasing pace,” noted Tractia research analyst Manoj Sahi. “Considering the next two to three years as a make-or-break time, several prominent companies are prioritizing investment for large-scale development.”

An executive summary of the report can be downloaded by visiting Tractia’s website.

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