Reminder for Cross-border Carriers on New US Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is in the final stages of implementing their Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. This new database is intended to contain information pertaining to violations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) controlled substances (drug) and alcohol testing program for commercial drivers. As is the case with US DOT drug and alcohol testing programs, if a Canadian carrier operates into the US, they will also need to comply with the rules set out for the new clearinghouse.

While the rule itself was published back in 2016, the final compliance date is January 6, 2020, with registration for the system expected to open in October. This means carriers should begin to have a look at the requirements now and approach their testing lab they are currently using (e.g. driver check, or others).

CTA has had discussions with some of the top testing labs (carriers will already be using these for their US DOT drug and alcohol testing programs) and in most cases, carriers will be able to designate their current provider as their third party administrator (TPA) to help manage their compliance with this new program.

Carriers can read more here: CTA Contact:

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