Reminder: FMCSA Medical Exam Notices


FMCSA’s announcement concerning commercial drivers needing to have their medical examinations performed by an FMCSA Certified Medical Examiner does not apply to Canadian Licence Drivers.

Recent email broadcasts by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to carriers indicating all interstate drivers will soon be required to have their medical examinations performed by a Certified Medical Examiner listed on the FMCSA’s National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners has caused significant confusion amongst Canadian based trucking companies.

OTA has since verified with FMCSA that the announcement and requirements do not impact the holders of commercial driver’s licences issued by Canadian jurisdictions. Carriers who have drivers with Canadian issued drivers licences should disregard the information sent by FMCSA as it was meant for US carriers and drivers only.

Commercial driver’s licences issued by Canadian jurisdictions are already proof of medical fitness as per the Canada-US Medical Reciprocity Agreement, which negates the need for drivers to carry a separate medical certificate in addition to their licence. The details of this agreement are spelled out in Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 391.41 (a)(1)(i) and have been in place since March 30, 1999.  Remember, Canadian commercial drivers issued drivers licences who are not medically qualified to operate in the US will have a code “W” indicator on their licence and abstracts.

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