Raw Forest Product Allowance Freeze-up Period Area 1


MTO has announced the Freeze-Up Period for Area 1. As of Friday January 17, 2025 at 12:01 a.m. section 119 of the Highway Traffic Act will be IN EFFECT. 

Area 1 is comprised of Zones 1A and 1B as described in the declarations and illustrated on the attached map.

For more information about Ontario’s 2025 Raw Forest Product Allowances, please visit Ontario.ca/511 – Truck and Bus Info.  


Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8 (ontario.ca)

 North of a line drawn through the following points: 

1. Highway 71 – at its intersection 54.5 kilometres north of the Junction of Highway 11 and Highway 71. 

2. Highway 502 – immediately south of its intersection with Cedar Narrows Road. 

3. Highway 622 – at its intersection 63 kilometres north of Junction Highway 11B and Highway 622. 

4. Highway 17 – at the south limits of the village of Upsala. 

5. Highway 527 – at its intersection with the Eaglehead Lake Road. 

6. Highway 11 – at Orient Bay, due east to the westerly Algoma District Boundary. 

7. Highway 11 – at its intersection approximately 2 kilometres west of the Pagwachuan River. 

And following north of Highway 11 to the 50th degree north latitude, then due east to the Quebec/Ontario border.

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