OTA Survey – Ontario Climate Change Action Plan – What Technologies Should be explored for the Trucking Industry?


Give us your thoughts and help shape the Program

When the Ontario Climate Change Action Plan was announced in June 2016, up to $270 million in funding has been earmarked to expedite the adoption of progressive Green-House-Gas (GHG) reducing trucking technologies.

The bulk of the Plan centers on the Ontario Governments new Green Commercial Vehicle Program which provides up to $170 million for electric and natural gas-powered commercial vehicles, temperature controlled trailer technology, tractor-trailer aerodynamic devices and anti-idling equipment.  There is an additional $100 million set aside as part of this program for natural gas infrastructure, such as the design and build of filling stations.

The program is expected to launch in 2017-2018, however full details are still not available regarding specific funding levels per vehicle, trailer and technology.

To help shape the programs design, OTA will be bringing forward suggested funding levels and qualifying technologies based on member input to ensure that this opportunity is maximized.

OTA members who would like to contribute to this process are encouraged to complete OTA’s survey before Friday August 19, 2016 by clicking here

All results will be kept confidential with only aggregate results shared with the Government of Ontario.

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