OTA Names New Board of Directors, Executive Committee


The Ontario Trucking Association unveiled its new Board of Directors for the 2014-16 term at its annual general meeting in Toronto. The board comprises 72 carrier members of the association, three representatives of the OTA allied trades division and an as-yet-to-be named delegate from the Toronto Trucking Association.

“The OTA board reflects every facet of the carrier community,” says OTA president and CEO David Bradley, “Every size of carrier, every type of operation, from every region, hauling every conceivable product and every form of service offering is represented on the board.”

“When the OTA board takes a policy decision, not only are we able to benefit from all the experience and knowledge around the table, we’re also confident that it has the support of the broad spectrum of carriers,” he said. “It allows us to speak with one voice.”

The board also has a good mix of the “old guard” as well as the “next generation” of industry leaders.

In addition to announcing its new board, a new Executive Committee of the board was also named. The Executive Committee comprises the officers of the association (the chair, vice-chair, treasurer and secretary), twelve (12) at-large members, the chair of the OTA Allied Trades Division and any past chairs of the association who are still active in their businesses.

Both the full Board of Directors and the Executive Committee below.

OTA Executive Committee_public

OTA Board List_public

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