OTA Call to Action: OTA Review Committees


As per the 2019 OTA Business Plan, OTA will undergo a series of reviews of how the organization functions from an administrative/executive standpoint through a series of working groups made up of general membership, members of the Board, Team OTA, and LEAD. The intention of this review, similar to a process undergone by CTA between 2016-2018, and the goal of the committees is to build on the strengths of the association by concentrating on future resources, programs and services.

The goal of this project is to ensure OTA is focusing its limited resources on matters that will ensure its financial health and industry relevance over the next decade. If you are therefore looking for an opportunity to help shape how OTA functions, now is the time to put your name forward. You must be a member in good standing to be considered for a committee. Each committee will be restricted to a workable number of participants. All nominees for each committee will be reviewed by the OTA officers and nominee committee for final selection.

The ideal composition of each committee will consist of general members in good standing (carrier/suppliers), LEAD, Team OTA and OTA Board members. Certain committees will be restricted to Board/Team/OTA and LEAD members. Please send in yourself nomination expressing interest in participating in one or multiple committees. Please direct this e-mail to karen.mcdowell@ontruck.org. by January 28, 2019.

The various committees will be as follows:

Membership Pricing & Sales — Review the current state of the OTA carrier and supplier membership along with the associated dues structure. Membership growth will be examined along with the opportunities/process/recruitment tools that could be utilized to increase this growth. The committee will be asked to suggest any changes to how dues are charged to help improve growth and/or revenue. Nominees are welcome from Board/Team OTA members only.

Product Offering & Sales — Review the current products offered and historical sales approach to marketing. The committee will be asked to recommend opportunities to expand sales/product and offerings along with introducing new marketing approaches to product sales.  Nominees are welcome from Board/Team OTA members only.

Networking Events — A review of all OTA social events will be conducted to ensure the types/ formats/marketing of events are still relevant and identify ways to grow sponsorship, attendance, revenues. The organizational goals/objectives of each social event will also be determined. Members will be asked to explore new event formats based on their experiences with other organizations. Nominees are welcome from all members in good standing.

Council Structure — The Councils were revived in 2016 to engage middle/line management below the senior staff level on certain policies in our sector and increase the value of membership by building value/loyalty throughout the membership’s corporate structure. The council structure will be reviewed to determine its effectiveness and how it could be improved. Nominees are welcome from all members in good standing.

LEAD Committee — The LEAD is overseeing our two OTA educational programs aimed at attracting younger individuals to our organization. This committee will review the current content of our educational programs along with the development/deployment of other products/events/ policies to get up-and-coming professionals involved in our organization. The function of the LEAD committee will also be examined. Nominees are welcome from all members in good standing.

Partnerships — Trucking HR Canada, Ontario Education Foundation & Trucks for Change. This committee will examine how OTA can maximize our current partnerships with these arms-length organizations. Each leader of these organizations will be asked to participate on this committee. Nominees are welcome from Board/Team OTA members only.

Sponsorship & Team OTA — As part of the organizational transition, OTA introduced the Team OTA concept. Those involved in this committee will review the structure/benefits of the Team OTA concept and offer any needed improvements to expand participation and value of this opportunity. Nominees are welcome from all members in good standing.

Communication Methods to Members & Customers — An examination of OTA’s current communication methods to its members and customers will be undertaken. The value/utility of OTA’s website, newsletters, e-mail messages, web store will be examined. The concept of transferring the majority/all communications and sales to one App will be discussed.  Nominees are welcome from Board/Team OTA members only.

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