Ontario Moves Forward on New Rules for Driver Trainers


Ontario continues to develop a new set of rules for truck driver trainers, as regulators continue to refine the mandatory entry-level training (MELT) program introduced, Today’s Trucking reports.

While not yet finalized, the emerging rules will be introduced in the future, said Kim MacCarl, manager of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s driver program development office, during an update for the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO).

“The main focus of these enhancements would be the instructor qualifications,” said senior policy advisor John Landolfi. “We’ve done a lot of work to develop the components.”

He noted that proposed requirements will include targets for industry experience, criminal record checks, train-the-trainer requirements, and an MTO-approved course that will focus on coaching, facilitation, presentation skills, and proficiency in MELT.

Proposed assessments will include knowledge and practical components, too.

Landolfi also mentioned the program will focus on senior instructors, complete with an evaluation, to support newer instructors.

“[It’s to] kind of ensure that the new instructors are learning the proper materials,” he said.

Landolfi noted that many schools already meet such requirements, but that the goal is to ensure all schools across the province deliver a common experience.

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