As the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) continues to prepare to enforce the ELD mandate starting in January 2023, additional outreach and awareness activities are currently taking place with critical information for the trucking industry.
To assist in this effort OTA has been hosting a series of webinars with MTO subject matter experts to ensure the industry has all of the information they need in advance of January. The next webinar is scheduled for November 15 at 1:30 pm.
The Webinars will provide further updates to MTO’s plans for full enforcement starting in the New Year, including how inspections of ELDs will take place roadside and how Drivers/Carriers can prepare themselves.
The webinars are free of charge and open to all carriers. To register click here.
In addition, key information on the upcoming mandate for both drivers and carriers, including details on the 50-plus listed Transport Canada certified devices, associated penalties for non-compliance that kick in January 2023, and what trucking operations the mandate applies to have been contained in slide presentations given by ministry officials at multiple events over the past several months. For a copy of the slides recently presented to the OTA Board of Directors click here: OTA ELD Update Nov 2_public
OTA members are encouraged to attend the webinar and to review all of the ELD information available from MTO’s website.