MTO Resuming Renewal Requirements for CVOR, Annual Inspections and Oversize/Overweight Annual Permits June 1

OTA was made aware by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) that deferrals that were put in place for CVOR renewals, annual inspections and Oversize/Overweight annual permits as a result of COVID-19 will come to an end June 1, 2021.

The MTO messaging further detailed that on March 17, 2020, temporary regulations under the Highway Traffic Act were put in place to extend the validity of driver, vehicle and carrier products and services that expired on or after March 1, 2020.  This has resulted in some backlog of deferred transactions and raised enforcement concerns about the validity of expired licenses and certificates. To get people and businesses up-to-date and to help ensure road safety, Ontario is reinstating the renewal requirements for certain carrier products.  To ensure everyone has a fair amount of time to renew, Ontario has extended the renewal deadlines that would have expired on or after March 1, 2020 until June 1, 2021 for the following carrier products:

  • Commercial Vehicle Operators Registration (CVOR) certificates.
  • Annual and Semi-Annual Vehicle Inspections.
  • Oversize/Overweight Annual permits.

For questions or assistance with renewing your CVOR certificate and/or Oversize/Overweight Annual permit, please contact Client Services at 1-800-387-7736 or For greater convenience, an online self-service is available to renew CVOR certificates at:

Changes to the extensions to other commercial products and services such as driver licences, driver medicals, vehicle registrations including International Registration Plan (IRP) cards will take place as part of the broader driver and vehicle resumption plan at a later date as these services may require in-person attendance to ServiceOntario, IRP Offices or DriveTest locations.  OTA will keep the membership informed as additional discussions on these issues unfold and plan developed.

For complete details of MTO’s announcement, please click here: MTO-Resumption of Carrier Products April 9 2021_public


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