MTO Invites RoadCheck Observers


The Ministry of Transportation is inviting participants to learn more about International Roadcheck on June 5-7, 2018. International Roadcheck is a three-day event when certified local, state, provincial, territorial and federal inspectors in jurisdictions across North America conduct inspections on large trucks and buses.

More than 3.5 million roadside safety inspections are conducted each year throughout North America by specially trained inspectors.

During International Roadcheck, inspectors will be checking critical safety elements on commercial motor vehicles, as well as verifying drivers’ fitness for duty. Although inspectors perform this work every day, the annual three-day event is designed to highlight commercial motor vehicle and driver safety inspections and other driver safety programs aimed at saving lives on North American highways.

Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. The special emphasis for 2018 is hours of service. While HoS is always a part of roadside inspections, CVSA is highlighting it this year as a reminder of its importance.

Interested participants should review the this document — RoadCheck Observer Package – 2018_public — for available locations and instructions on submitting your forms before Friday, May 18th at 4:00PM. Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests, however late submissions will affect our ability to schedule your visit. If you need additional information, contact Bob Lickers, International Roadcheck 2018 Co-ordinator by phone at 905-704-2885 or email

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