Starting January 1, 2019, motor carriers will have the ability to carry International Registration Plan (IRP) cab cards as an electronic image, Michigan authorities announced. Even though they will no longer be required to carry a paper copy of their cab card, the state recommend they do so for at least the 2019 calendar year.
All IRP jurisdictions will be required to accept electronic images of IRP cab cards.(MTO has not yet started sending out Electronic Cab Cards, but will be doing so shortly. OTA will advise members when this occurs).
During a roadside stop, credentials may be shown as a paper copy or an electronic image on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Regardless of whether a paper or electronic copy is presented, the cab card must be accurate, accessible, and legible. Carriers should store the document as a PDF on their device in order to ensure access to the document in areas without cell service or WiFi.