Gov’t Committee to Restrict Municipal Automated Speed Enforcement to Roads Below 80 km/h


As previously reported, OTA asked the government of Ontario to tighten up language in proposed Bill 65, which would amend the Highway Traffic Act with respect to speed limits in municipalities, allow circumstantial use of photo radar and address other road safety matters.

While OTA is supportive of the government’s efforts to make our roads safer, the association said the definition of community safety zone as originally written was broadly open to interpretation and vulnerable to arbitrary political decisions. It was also noted that issuing fines for speeding offenses to the owner of the vehicle would not in most cases impact the driver who is responsible for operating the vehicle.

Upon further review during the consultation phases of Bill 65, the Standing Committee on General Government recently determined that designated community safety zones in municipalities would be eligible for automated speed enforcement – commonly known as photo radar. Application, however, will be restricted to roadways with speed limits of less than 80 km/h.

Yet, the government will stay the course on issuing fines to the owner of the vehicle – citing what it says is the 20-year success of the red-light camera program and concerns over adding complications to the court system.

As part of the government’s commitment, it will conduct a review of the photo radar program’s effectiveness once two-years of data becomes available.

To prepare for the potential for the increased use of photo radar in municipalities, OTA has prepared a best practices document for carriers to consider in their company policies by addressing speeding violations.

For a copy of the best practices, OTA members can email otahr@

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