The Canadian Trucking Alliance welcomes the publishing of Canada Gazette Part II today which outlines changes to regulations regarding eManifest information required by Canada Border Services Agency prior to arrival in Canada.
The publishing of the Canada Gazette Part II indicates to highway carriers that there are now 45 days to comply with CBSA’s Advanced Commercial Information (ACI) eManifest requirements for all trucks, loaded or empty, coming into Canada.
eManifest requires the electronic transmission of manifest information from highway carriers at least one hour prior to the trucks’ arrival at the first port of entry into Canada. Information identifying the truck, trailer, shipment(s) and driver can be sent to CBSA through a free web based portal (ACI portal), a direct connection to the CBSA or through a service provider.
After the 45 day period is over, CBSA will begin to issue “zero-rated” AMPS penalties. That means that although a penalty has technically been issued, there are no monies owed to CBSA. The penalty will instead serve as a warning to carriers they must correct the issue that led to the penalty and be prepared to fully comply with ACI requirements. The “zero-rated” AMPS period will last for six months, after which, full AMPS will apply, including monetary fines.
“CTA members have been voluntarily submitting e-Manifests to CBSA for nearly five years now,” says Alliance CEO, David Bradley. “While there have been growing pains, the process has shown to expedite cross-border truck traffic so the fact that we finally have a date for when the program becomes mandatory means things should improve further.”
CBSA has indicated that 90 percent of highway carriers are ready for eManifest. However, carriers are encouraged to communicate this notice to shippers and customers as they will need to provide information to carriers in advance and ensure descriptions and piece counts are accurate for all goods. Failing to do so could result in delays at the border as well as contribute to potential fines for the carriers.
Those carriers not already submitting eManifest are urged to do so now and communicate with partner carriers to ensure they are also prepared.