Community Consultation Workshop for the GTA West Transportation Corridor Route Planning


The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has initiated Stage 2 of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the GTA West Transportation Corridor. Building on the recommendations from Stage 1, the EA Study continues with a focus on identifying the route and developing the preliminary design for a new transportation corridor within the previously identified Route Planning Study Area.

The new transportation corridor will include: a 400-series highway, a transitway, and potential goods movement priority features. As part of the study, a preferred route and interchange locations will be selected and developed.

As part of the study’s consultation program, a number of Community Workshops will be held over the course of the study to assist the Project Team by providing information and input relative to community interests and study issues. The first round of these workshops Take place between May 20-22.

Click pdf for details : Community Workshop Invitation Letter-FOR EMAIL

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