CBSA Expanding FAST Lane Eligibility at Windsor/Detroit


The Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) has announced effective June 22, 2020 the dedicated FAST lane at the port of Windsor-Detroit will be open to all FAST participants. Under the expansion of the FAST Membership criteria, the CBSA will extend FAST lane eligibility to highway carriers and importers who are sole members of the Partners in Protection (PIP) program, rather than requiring them to also be members of the Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) program.

This announcement is part of CBSA’s undertaking to explore new measures that will assist with Business Economic Recovery Plans due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to assist members of the trade community, and specifically Trusted Trader members, in finding new avenues to help expedite and facilitate goods through the borders.

As a reminder, to be eligible to use the FAST-dedicated lanes, carriers and importers, including those who are approved Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) members, must be approved Partners in Protection (PIP) members. The driver must have a valid FAST card or Commercial Driver Registration Program (CDRP) card. Highway Carriers who would like to receive the new notices, via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), must register with the CBSA to become EDI clients. This includes Highway Carriers who are already certified.

Please see the attached notice from CBSA in English and French for more information:

Customs Notice 19-23_public

Avis des douanes 19-23_public

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