Carriers Can Share Roundabout Paper With Municipalities


There has been some discussions at the political level regarding the development of roundabouts in Ontario municipalities.

OTA is reminding carriers of its published a guidance paper, ‘Accommodating Commercial Vehicles in Roundabouts.’  The report provides municipalities/road authorities with guidance on how commercial vehicles may be accommodated within roundabouts, such as:

• Identified design elements that typically constrain the movement of commercial vehicles in roundabouts.

• Identified minimum design parameters of single and multi-lane roundabouts that may accommodate commercial vehicles of varying configurations

• Identified features within a roundabout that will maintain desirable attributes while at the same time accommodate commercial vehicles.

Carriers who are aware of their municipalities’ interest in developing roundabouts, should share the paper with their respective city councils.

Accommodating Commercial Vehicles in Roundabouts: Accommodating Commercial Vehicles in Roundabouts_public

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