As developments around blockades at border points and potential protests in various locations across the country continue to develop, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and its provincial associations are providing a national update to members on the evolving situations across the country.
Below are the current updates provided by each provincial association, including any potential impacts to critical infrastructure, border operations, or other important considerations for fleets travelling to these provinces over the next few days:
British Columbia Trucking Association (BCTA)
- BCTA is reporting speculation about protests occurring at the Pacific Highway ports of entry and other potential border crossings such as Sumas and Osoyoos this weekend. They continue to work with officials at all levels on this developing situation.
Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)
- Sweetgrass/Coutts crossing is being reported as 1 lane open due to blockades both north and south with prioritizing to cattle trucks southbound. Currently this border is open 24hrs however accessibility is fluid based upon the blockades.
- Carway/Piegan has both the US and Canadian sides open 8 am to 6 pm 7 days a week.
- Del Bonita is open both directions from 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. Day to day reviews will regulate the open/close times for this crossing. This crossing is open until 10 pm local time today.
Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA)
- STA is reporting that there are no current issues at the North Portal border crossing but are hearing of the potential development disruptions at the crossing this weekend. STA remains in contact with officials and will update members as the situation changes.
Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA)
- The Emerson/Pembina crossing continues to remain closed due to the ongoing blockades, but livestock is being allowed cross the port of entry.
- MTA encourages members to consult the following link Directory of CBSA Offices and Services for the most up to date information on Port operating hours across the Southern Manitoba District. Members can also reach out to the association for more information.
Ontario Trucking Association (OTA)
- Earlier today, Premier Ford announced the enactment of wide sweeping emergency measures to address the blockades and protests occurring in Ontario, more information on the announcement is available here.
- Ambassador Bridge: There are various reports that a single lane has been opened by Windsor Police supporting the opening of the Bridge to Canada, but bridge officials have indicated that this situation remains fluid and Windsor Police continue to negotiate the opening of lanes with protesters. Bridge officials are urging fleets to be cognizant of this constantly evolving situation and will confirm with OTA if/when Windsor can support the opening of the bridge by ensuring the opening of lanes leading off the bridge onto Huron Church Road, so that drivers are not dispatched prematurely.
- Blue Water Bridge: Bridge officials have indicated that they continue to operate at maximum capacity, with all available lanes open to process traffic in both directions. Wait times have started to become more manageable compared to the extensive delays experienced earlier this week. There are currently no reports of other issues developing in the Sarnia area.
- Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge: According to media reports, there is a small group of individuals protesting at the bridge, but vehicle access has not been blocked, and no delays are being experienced.
- Peace Bridge: Media reports are indicating that a potential protest could develop at the Peace Bridge this weekend. These same reports suggest protests could begin at some point Saturday, involving both Canadian and U.S. convoys. OTA is working with bridge officials and will update members as more information becomes available.
- Queenston-Lewiston Bridge: The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission is reporting truck traffic at the bridge has been up around 30 percent. They are not seeing any major delays in traffic, but bridge officials are continuing to monitor developments in the region that could impact processing times.
- City of Toronto: As reported earlier this week by the OTA, City of Toronto officials have closed off roadways near Queen’s Park in advance of potential protests developing this weekend.
Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association (APTA):
- There are social media reports circulating of protests focused on Fredericton, New Brunswick. Reports are calling the Fredericton protest a “multi day event” which will start on Friday at 1 pm. Reports suggest that a convoy heading to the legislature could convene on Friday and Saturday. There is no timeline for how long this potential protest may last, or issues developing at other locations.
CTA members are encouraged to contact your local provincial associations for further updates as they continue to develop.