ATA Praises Trump’s Pick to Head DOT


US President­-elect Donald Trump announced he will nominate Elaine Chao to serve as Secretary of Transportation.

Chao served as secretary of labor throughout President George W. Bush’s two terms and as deputy secretary of transportation under President George H.W. Bush.

Born in Taiwan, Chao arrived in the U.S, with her family in 1961 at age 8. She was the first Asian American woman and the first Taiwanese American in history to be appointed to a Cabinet post. Chao is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear was quick to praise Trump’s selection to head the Department of Transportation

“I had the privilege of serving with and working closely with Secretary Chao during my time at the Department of Labor, [where he served as Assistant Secretary of Policy from 2001-2004] and I am extremely pleased that she will be taking on this new challenge,” Spear said.

“President-elect Trump could not have picked a more qualified, experienced and dedicated individual to serve in this important role,” he added. “Secretary Chao understands the issues we face as we try to keep America’s freight moving safely and efficiently.”

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