Notice of Design and Construction Report Submission – Highway 401 Eastbound Collector Lanes From Avenue Road to Warden Avenue – Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has retained AECOM to undertake a Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for the rehabilitation of Highway 401 eastbound collector lanes between Avenue Road and Warden Avenue in the City of Toronto.
A Design and Construction Report (DCR) has been prepared to document the process completed and is being made available for a 30-day public review period starting September 21, 2020. If interested, please review the report and comment by October 20th, 2020. The DCR is available for review on the project website at
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact the Project Team.
David Fallows, P. Eng.
MTO Project Manager
Tel: 416-235-5519
Christopher Schueler, P. Eng.
AECOM Project Manager
Tel: 905-418-1468
Notice of Completion and Design and Construction Report Submission – Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment for the Replacement Bridges on Highway 400 at Innisfil Beach Road and Barrie-Collingwood Railway and Reconstruction of Innisfil Beach Road Interchange and Associated Works
The Ministry of Transportation has retained the services of McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers to carry of the detail design and Class Environmental Assessment study for the replacement of exiting Highway 400 Innisfil Beach Road overpass structure, replacement of the Highway 400 Barrie-Collingwood Railway overhead structure, widening of Innisfil Beach Road from 2 lanes to 4 lanes and reconfiguration of the Highway 400 Innisfil Beach Road interchange to accommodate the future 10-lane widening of Highway 400.
The Design and Construction Report (DCR) will be available for a 30 day public review period ending on October 16th 2020.
If you are interested, please send in your comments and the Project Team will respond.
Ms. Laura Donaldson P.Eng,
Consultant Project Manager
Tel: 343-344-2635
Mr. Nanda Kandiah, P.Eng,
MTO Senior Project Engineer
Tel: 416-235-5397