CTA Chair Reaches Out to Virden Responders for Aiding Stranded Truckers


Emergency responders and other volunteers from the community of Virden, Man. nobly came to the aid of hundreds of truck drivers last week after a blast of winter weather Hwy. 1 and left many of the truckers stranded without food or water for more than 24 hours.

This week, CTA chairman Gene Orlick penned a letter to Brad Yochim, chief of the volunteer fire department, and citizens of Virden who took to the highway during the blizzard to check on drivers and bring them food and other supplies.

Orlick’s letter below:

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On behalf of the Canadian trucking industry, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, your staff and the wonderful citizens of the Virden, Man.  community. Our members are immensely grateful for your collective efforts in providing food, water and fuel to the stranded truck drivers and travellers affected by the storm last week. 

There was five kilometres of trucks lined up at the road closure on Highway 1; and for more than 24 hours, there was about 200 tractor-trailer drivers stranded with nowhere to go – their supplies depleting or already consumed. Thankfully, your department and the community of Virden stepped up to help these stranded souls.

We too are proud Canadians, running up and down the highways throughout our great country to deliver vital goods to communities across Canada such as yours. It is very comforting to know there are guardian angels along the way, helping to ensure the lives of our drivers are protected from further hardships thrown at us by Mother Nature.

So, on behalf of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, truck drivers and everyone else affected by the storms, we thank the emergency responders in your department, the kind-hearted community of Virden, and everyone who helped last week with their supplies, efforts and energy. 

We very much and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Your gifts have not gone unnoticed. The human spirit at Christmas is overwhelming and your actions remind me of how proud it makes me to be Canadian.

Sincerely yours, 

Gene Orlick,

President Orlick Transport

Chairman, Canadian Trucking Alliance


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