FMCSA Says Speed Limiter Rule ‘Imminent’


FMCSA says it’s on track to roll out “near term” proposed rulemakings (NPRM) this year – the first requirement for speed limiters on vehicles over 26,000 lbs. and another establishing insurance standards for trucking companies. It adds that a possible rulemaking effort regarding obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is planned for either later this year or in early 2015.

According to Fleet Owner, those three regulatory initiatives are the “nearest term” efforts in a broader plan by the agency to address a host of issues, says Jack Van Steenburg, FMCSA’s assistant administrator and chief safety officer.

Speaking at the 2014 Zonar Systems user conference, Van Steenburg said the speed limiter rule one of the most imminent FMCSA rulemaking efforts and now awaits NHTSA’s final adjustments to it.

Steenburg also pointed out that FMCSA wants to change the SFD process within CSA so roadside inspection data can be used along with direct investigative results to calculate a carriers’ SFD. “Currently, the SFD is only tied to onsite investigations we can conduct,” he explained.

Finally, Steenburg said a renewed focus on seat-belt usage among truck occupants needs to occur – to the point where technology may need to be involved.

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